Sunday, November 9, 2008

Change of plans

Captain Frost was ordered to lead what he called a suicidal attack.So perhaps it is better if we got a view from one of the men under his command of the battle,Lieutenant Ah Wat.Oh did I mention we even got a monkey to check this man's grammar.

Ah Wat,go and take your platoon and strike the enemy.Anyways back to me.So I had to move through the dense annoying jungle.No I wasnt looking for any plants Dong.All I saw were stupid plants and the horrible enemies running at my men with guns.So obviously I shoot at them.(This subjects grammar was not evaluated before we choose him.)I then went frazy(crazy?) on them.They were all over and that iditic(idiotic) person went and got himself shoot(sigh (shot)).

Ah Wong,you were wrong this is not fan(O.O(fun)) at all.Then ah I got shoot(not again you moron,its got shot.)I creamed(screamed........) but then I didnt hear anything.I started to panic then suddenly it all went blank( :) Yay no more grammar inspections)

Dong dong dong,I was woken up by Corporal Adu(Abu.......why O why did he wake up.)I ordered my men to go and shot(shoot ......I'll find you for this Ah Wat.) them.I then lead two of my men to strike their roar(REAR!!!!)I was able to kill them.But sadly I wen(when) I returned I found out that two of my men had to be ampuutated(amputated.)

I the inspector hereby promise that I will go and take a coconut and whack this Ah Wat with it when he comes back.Well I never knew the monkey would be annoyed about grammaer or spelling errors........owwww...........

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