Friday, September 19, 2008

"Anyways you better load your pistol now."said Rex.Larston then loaded his pistol.Once they reached the site,the sound of gunshots could be heard loud and clear.The clouds were blocking the Sun.There were a several officers taking cover.A S.W.A.T. team was also on site.It seemed that the robbers had an RPG.I could tell that by a round that blew up a nearby car.We quickly got out of the car,I pulled out my pistol.I quickly went over to take cover as the robbers began to open fire on me.I felt a sudden pain.I realised that I was shot at my knee.I popped my head up to see what was happening.Rex had been able to move up behind a van.I realised that he was in the line of fire so I began to fire to pull their attention to me.

As expected I was fired on but this time I was able to react faster.I then began to fire a few rounds at them back.I then began to calm down oddly.The adrelanine was pumping but I felt a calm that you would expect when you meditate or something like that.I quickly popped up and began to aim and then I fired.The round managed to hit a robber at his right hand.The next hit the robber at the chest.The robber fell down as I ducked.I managed to see that Rex was right under a car crawling to the bank window where I was shooting at...........

1 comment:

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